Ntc commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2

Letters to the assemblies at ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira. Revelation 2 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. Revelation 7 bible commentary on the book of revelation. But john used different words to describe the scroll of revelation 5. Revelation 2 niv to the church in ephesus to the bible gateway. These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. A collection of youtube video teachings from theologians and bible teachers worldwide on book of revelation chapter 1. Revelation 2, new english translation net the bible app. Like the other commentaries in the ntc, revelation is written in a way that makes it accessible to the layperson. I do not attempt to interpret it, as i am usually skeptical of those who do. Learn revelation chapter 1 bible with free interactive flashcards. The chapter starts by stating the sequence of how the book of revelation came to be. Revelation 2 the apostle john, having in the foregoing chapter written the things which he had seen, now proceeds to write the things that are, according to the command of god revelation 1. God hits him with a doozy of a revelation hey, thats not a bad idea for a title.

If one takes the mighty angel to be jesus, then it very well could be. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 12 the. A midrash is an ancient commentary on part of the hebrew scriptures. This is the only example of the title used with a transitive verb. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 11. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2 letters. The woman in the wilderness 1 and there appeared a great wonder in heaven. It contains descriptions, places, names, numbers, etc. Jesus christ transmitted this information to an angel and that angel transmitted the information to john. The versebyverse commentary on revelation introduction this commentary on revelation will prove, contrary to what most people think, that the revelation, the last book of the bible, is not difficult to understand if we will take a simple, facevalue, commonsense approach to interpreting it.

By including the detail that the enemies of the witnesses watch the ascension, the author of the book of revelation is reiterating a point found repeatedly in the text. The crowned conqueror on the white horse armed with a bow, revelation 6. The assemblies of asia revelation chapter 2 commentary. Tyndale house, 1983 note that this is not leon morris who is categorized below click for a notes cyril barber the ministers library treating the apocalypse chapter bychapter, morris provides his readers with numerous sidelights on the text not found.

He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and then he cried out in a loud voice as a lion. Revelation 2 kjv unto the angel of the church of ephesus bible. This futuristic approach sees the book outlined as follows. Later writers, such as clement of alexandria, origen, victorinus who wrote one of the earliest commentaries on revelation, eusebius, and jerome affirm the domitian date. These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2 letters to. Revelation summary the following is a summary of the book of revelation. A commentary of the book of revelation bible truth. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 10.

David guzik commentary on revelation 10, where a mighty angels comes down from heaven and seven thunders utter their voices. Study the bible online using commentary on revelation 2 and more. Revelation 2 bible commentary matthew henry concise. Revelation 2 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelationchapter 2. The epistle to the church of smyrna, commending their piety, and promising them support in their tribulation, revelation 2. In our previous studies we have seen that revelation chapter 1.

View revelation 1 in the note window the book of the revelation of st. Revelation chapter 2 matthew henry complete commentary on. Commentaries for revelation chapter 2 the message to ephesus. He has used many wordpictures in his book, but by the return of christ, he means an actual event. Mar 11, 2007 the chapter starts by stating the sequence of how the book of revelation came to be. Is this little book the same as the scroll no one except jesus could open in revelation 5. Morris, in his commentary, the revelation record, indicates that each church receives a message composed of seven parts. A messenger carrying letters to the seven churches from the apostle john on the island of patmos, which is about 30 miles off the coast of turkey and. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2 letters to ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira. A brief outline of chapters 4 to 20 in revelation is as follows.

Revelation chapter 2 matthew henry complete commentary. A commentary of the book of revelation the revelation of jesus christ 20 by cooper p. Book of revelation chapter 11 the two witnesses and. To him that overcometh will i give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Just click the link to the commentary of a chapter that you want to read. The epistle to the church of smyrna, commending their piety, and promising them support in their tribulation. Chapter 2 begins the messages to the seven churches. Return from chapter 2 to the versebyverse commentary on revelation page. In our previous studies we have seen that revelation chapter 2.

Kistemakers contributions include the commentary on revelation. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches. The book written within and without, and sealed with seven seals, revelation 5. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelation. Learn revelation study chapter 1 with free interactive flashcards. Read through the book of the revelatuion twice by the end of the semester 2.

God sees and addresses the conditions that existed within the seven churches at that time. The versebyverse commentary on each chapter of revelation is on a separate page of this website. Hes just a mildmannered christian guy living in exile whenpow. Thebible a commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2 letters to ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira pdf download.

And so with the above in mind, i offer this paper with the hope that you, the reader, will engage in a study of the book of revelation yourself. And the angel stood, saying, rise and measure the temple of god, the altar, and those who worship there. He was directed to write to every one of them according to their. Write a running verse by verse commentary of a chapter of your choice of the book of revelation should be at least 3 pages 3. Chapter 3 beginning in johns day an unfolding of the. Revelation 1 is the first chapter of the book of revelation or the apocalypse of john in the new. Jan 01, 2008 book of revelation chapter 2 receive the revelation be prepared current events confirm that we are in the last days. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelationchapter 11.

Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 2. Choose from 500 different sets of revelation chapter 1 bible flashcards on quizlet. The next two chapters of revelation deal with the things which are. Book of revelation a verse by verse audio study chapter 11 the two witnesses and the seventh trumpet judgment. Chapters 2 and 3 are the things that are division of revelation. Throughout history the book of revelation has been much understood and neglected. These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands.

On the sea of glass were standing those who had won the victory over the beast and its image and the number that signified its name. Christians down through the ages have known that christs return is presented in scripture as imminent, but. Yet angels are never clearly identified with jesus in the book of revelation or in the new. For example, they say that it means the growth of the church. The greek word semeion, which is translated as wonder, sign, or miracle, is used to describe a woman clothed with the sun. A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of revelation. Read revelation 2 commentary using wesleys explanatory notes. The tapestry of this 12th chapter of the revelation first introduces the woman that produces the messiah 12. The book of revelation is closely related to the book of daniel and each supplements the other. Choose from 500 different sets of revelation study chapter 1 flashcards on quizlet. They deal with seven specific churches in asia minor, although the issues that those churches were dealing with can also be found in the christian church today. The book of revelation, chapter 2 letters to the churches. To get hard copies of pastor andersons preaching cds, dvds, usbs, etc, come by faithful word baptist church in tempe, az, to pick up free. The ascension of the two witnesses into heaven mirrors the story of elijah being caught up into heaven in 2 kings 2.

Bible a commentary on the book of revelation chapter 2 letters to ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira. God the father gave the information in it to jesus christ to inform his servants of the things that would soon come to pass. Jul 08, 20 to get hard copies of pastor andersons preaching cds, dvds, usbs, etc, come by faithful word baptist church in tempe, az, to pick up free copies. Physically attend at least 80% of all classes unless given special permission by the teacher for an absence 4. David guzik commentary on revelation 11, describes the introduction of the two witnesses, their ministry, death and reviving.

The revelation of jesus christ, which god gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. And, reprehending their having left their first love, exhorting them to repent, with the promise of the tree of life, revelation 2. Letters to ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira 1 unto the angel of the church of ephesus write. The apostle john, having in the foregoing chapter written the things which he had seen, now proceeds to write the things that are, according to the command of god ch. A commentary on the book of revelation letters to ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira from the apostle john on patmos. Of the following letters to the angels of the seven churches it may be necessary to speak first in general, and then particularly.

Many americans who favor a strong work ethic are suspicious of people who sit and read the book of revelation too much, or go on and on about the battle of armageddon or the second coming of christ or the rapture of the church, as those who actually believe in such things. John the divine chronological notes relative to this book. The new testament commentary ntc series was begun by the late william hendriksen. Year of the constantinopolitan era of the world, or that used by the byzantine historians, and other eastern writers, 5604. Book of revelation explained scripture by scripture. David guzik commentary on revelation 2, which includes jesus letters to the churches in ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira. Physically attend at least 80% of all classes unless given special permission by. The epistle to the church of ephesus, commending their labor and patience, revelation 2. Introduction to the revelation of the day of yahovah the l ord chapter 2. Relates to the things which are, that is, the then present state of the church, and contains the epistle of john to the seven churches, and his account of the appearance of the lord jesus, and his direction to the apostle to write what he beheld, ch. Revelation chapter 2 1 the revelation of jesus christ, which god gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. Exposition of the book of revelation new testament.

Today, many people argue that the return of christ is a wordpicture for something else. Please click one of the following links to navigate this site. Revelation 2 the loveless church 1 to the angel of the church of. Those two chapters of daniel describe the son of man, which is used by john as a model in the framework of his writing, as partially listed in the following. Revelation 1 bible commentary matthew henry concise.

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